Leadership & Employment Opportunities

Student Leaders


In the Center for Academic and Career Success, 冰球突破mg平台为学生提供各种领导机会. Get involved, build your resume, and help others by becoming a Peer Leader, Peer Tutor, Writing Tutor, Peer Mentor, or an SI Leader.

Peer Tutors & SI Leaders

Are you passionate about a certain subject? Do you enjoy helping others? Have you developed strong study skills? If the answer is YES, 那么成为一名导师或补充指导(SI)领导可能是适合你的工作!

If you have questions about becoming a Peer Tutor, Study Group or Supplemental Instruction Leader see Courtney Bringley in Library 205 or Tracy Elliott in Library 208-A.

Requirements: Tutors and SI Leaders are expected to have a 3.平均绩点不低于0分,所辅导课程成绩达到A,并且必须有两名教员的推荐信.

Study Groups

Writing Tutors

你还记得第一篇大学论文有多难吗? 或者在你记下引文之前是多么令人困惑?  As a peer Writing Tutor, 你将指导学生完成从提纲到最终格式的整个写作过程.

Writing Center

Peer Leaders

Remember that upperclassman in a polo at orientation? That could be you! 开展活动,让新生参与到校园的每个角落. 加入冰球突破mg平台的团队,帮助完善大一最重要的一周.

Peer Leaders

学术和职业成功中心一直在寻找具有领导潜力的合格学生, 谁在课程中表现优异,并具有很强的沟通和人际交往能力.

After completing the application process, 学生领袖将按照国家认可的一般学习策略和特定学科领域的标准接受培训. 请参阅下面的申请下拉列表,以访问每个学生领导职位的描述.

Apply to be a Tutor/Study Group Leader

CACS每年雇佣大约40名同伴导师,为冰球突破mg平台一半以上的学生提供服务. 冰球突破mg平台正在寻找那些在课堂上表现优异,并且愿意帮助别人做同样事情的学生.

As a tutor, 你将和1到4个学生组成的小组一起工作, working in areas of study skills, goal setting, 强化和管理课程内容. 您将接受培训,帮助您成为更好的学生和学习促进者.

Another opportunity is becoming a Study Group Leader. Study groups are led by tutors who are in the course. 他们是由3到12名学生组成的小组,以协作的形式一起工作. 你不需要回答所有的问题,但你应该确保信息是准确的,同时帮助促进会议,让每个人都在工作.

当你在校园里工作的时候,辅导是一个很好的方式来建立你的简历. 点击下面的链接进入冰球突破mg平台的导师申请表.

Tutor Application Form – New Tutors

Tutor Update Form – Returning Tutors

Apply to be an SI Leader
补充指导领导有领导5到50名学生的特殊能力. 他们希望吸引学生,帮助他们学习如何学习和理解学习所需的信息. They are not professors or teachers. They’re peers who have already completed the class.
冰球突破mg平台根据他们的人际沟通技巧和领导素质来寻找补充指导的领导者, as well as recommendations from professors. 如欲成为科学总监,请填写以下申请表.
Apply to be a Writing Tutor

写作导师与学生一起工作,帮助他们提高写作技巧. 本中心聘请具有较强的写作能力和良好的人际交往能力的同行写作导师. Our Writing tutors do not just critique writing, 他们教冰球突破mg平台的学生如何更好地理解写作过程,并最终成为更好的作家.

If you are interested in becoming a Writing Tutor, 请填写下面链接的导师申请表,并将其提交到学术中心 & Career Success. 如果您对这个领导职位有任何疑问,请联系 Tracy Elliott.

Writing Tutor Application Form

Apply to be a Peer Leader

CACS每年秋季学期聘用约20名学生担任迎新周领导,春季学期聘用约4名学生担任迎新冬季领导. 这个令人兴奋和至关重要的领导角色的重点是欢迎新学生加入冰球突破mg平台社区,并确保他们有最好的过渡! 如果您有兴趣成为同行领袖,请点击下面的链接以获取更多信息. If you have any questions, please contact Courtney Bringley.

Peer Leader Application

Apply to be a Office Assistant

The Center for Academic & “事业成功”每年雇佣40多名同侪导师,为冰球突破官方平台一半以上的学生提供服务. 冰球突破mg平台正在寻求帮助,以各种方式支持CACS:文书工作, front desk attendant, and data entry and management. 学生必须有良好的学习成绩,并积极参加课程. Basic office experience is preferred. Students must have two references and submit a resume.

Office Assistant Application


Apply to be a Peer Mentor

The Center for Academic & “事业成功”希望在秋季和春季学期雇佣大约10名学生担任同伴导师. 这是一个新的、关键的领导角色,冰球突破mg平台很高兴从2019年春季开始把这个角色带到冰球突破mg平台的校园. 你将成为同事们的导师和领导者, 通过预注册指导他们的冰球突破mg平台之旅, academic & career pathways. 如果您有兴趣成为同侪导师,请点击下面的链接获取更多信息. If you have any questions, please contact Maureen Pellerin.

Peer Mentor Information & Application

Peer Mentor Spring 2019 Bios

*Sophomore standing or above required.

“I have been a tutor for a little over a year now. 学术成功中心是这个校园和社区的重要组成部分,它帮助了很多学生取得成功.”
Sarah Dowling, Peer Tutor

Hotel, Resort & Tourism Management - Class of 2016

“我在ASC担任导师,我认为对于一所小型学校来说,这是一个非常机智和成功的项目. 它让学生们一起努力,在学术追求上取得成功. 涵盖了许多科目,所有学生都得到了他们需要的帮助.”
Danica Maloney, Peer Tutor

Integrative Studies - Class of 2015

5 Things I Gained From Becoming a Peer Leader

Blog post by Senior Leader, Morgan Hancock
